Wednesday 18 April 2012


d-e-b-b-i-e brain fluff blog will revolve around whatever happens to have caught my very short attention span in any given week.  A sort of diary, spilling out the mucus of my brains into some intelligible form.

I broke my ankle very recently (and somewhat stupidly, I might add: beach slide + fire and water + much enthusiasm = metal plate and pins in one's ankle), and prior to my one-leggedness I liked running and being very bad at tennis.  I'll rant about my rehabilitation from sedentary sloth-like creature to someone able to wear high heels and run again (or make excuses not to go running, like I used to).

The themes that most interest me in modern and contemporary art are memory and forgetting, cyclical vs. linear time, gender and sexuality, and artist/writers.  I prefer reading about art to cramming into a gallery on a Saturday afternoon and getting shoved by tourists desperate to say they've seen the show of the year, I'm on a critical theory flex.

I'm also trying to compile some recipes for a lunchbox cookbook and I love love love eating out, so there'll probably be some of that stuffed in there too.  Not like I'm going to pretend I'm a food reviewer or anything, as I'm not nearly fussy enough, "ooh, two day old pizza, YES PLEASE!" just sharing good finds.

I also like relationships (I read 'Dear Mariella', thus making me an expert), finding new holes in London where I can pay to destroy my liver further, buying goods at overpriced markets, and jelly babies.  Seriously, if anyone out there works for the company that makes jelly babies, feel free to send me some freebies.  But not the green ones, they're shit.

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